1. went to town just now. met up with Jeremy, Eric and Joshua at Far East. had nothing better to do at home ah so went out to have a walk. looked around and did some window shop. have to target new stuff to add on to the collection my closet. seriously need more tees for school. if not my school days will be stuck to those everyday clothes i wear. i will look so damn dull can.
2. and then i saw her at Far East. surprise to see her around. hey you, YOU SLIMed DOWN!! compliment for you right? dont be too high if you see this. there there, you are smiling to yourself again. calm yourself please.
3. Joshua the label king. learn alot from him. he dont know spend how much on his branded man. i heard his Dior series is only left with 2 or 3 more pieces to complete set. that is so OMG can. if i want to spend on label, now i have a consultant to turn to.
4. okok, i now have something to say about my messaging styles. i do have a policy for myself when messaging girls. i actually categorize people when messaging. so please read carefully and please do not be mistaken.
- the special one
so far there is only one girl who has manage to fall into this category. but because is a special someone i dont tend to message her alot. because is like over for so long but we do keep in contact.
- the irritating ones
these are the ones that i really dont feel like messaging. if you read the category, it is obvious why. but so far there is like only 2 or 3 of you.
- the nice ones
ok, this group is where i will keep in contact but not everytime or everyday please. i cant possibly message every girl in my contact list. unless you want to pay for my bills i dont mind lah. if not just dont keep complaining that i never message you girls. i will be very busy by then.
having said this, please dont judge me if i dont message you people. for all my friends reading this, forget the gender, i dont like people judging me on my messaging timings. it just plain irritating. just try to not land yourself in the second category and i will guarantee that you people will not be forgotten.
5. i really wanna go for a show. there is this Jap show that really got my attention. Smiler, a story on a bunch of children playing ice hockey and building friendships from there. really wanna catch the show. so my movie kaki, Rachel, wanna go watch? please say yes ok you this sagging pig. ha. but first come first serve of course. =D
venn's footsteps